Skateboarders at University of Virginia in Charlottesville Get New Shop
Andy Foster has just opended a new shop, The Black Cat Skateshop located at 1325 A West Main Street in Charlottesville, Virginia. The store specializes in custom made T-shirts, skateboards and skating gear. Andy, who has been planning the store since last August, said his store fits into "a niche in Charlottesville that needed to be filled." He says he hopes the store will appeal to both University students and young Charlottesville residents...Andy's shop is carrying Curly Grrlz Skateboards, so stop by and say hello for us.
Hip Clipz-Artist of the Month

We've redesigned the entire website. As you probably noticed the tunes play automatically now at Curly Grrlz Skateboards is featuring two new artists; October Fall and Kenotia. We hope you like them as much as we do.
October Fall and Kenotia are the most recent additions to the Hip Clipz line-up, a line-up that includes such awesome groups as: Phantom Planet, Tsunami Bomb, Days Away, Everybody Else, Plain White Ts, Paramore, Matchbook Romance, The Veronicas, Fall Out Boy, Gym Class Dropouts and Cyndi Lauper.
NEW FTK ad debuts
Curly Grrlz debuts a new advertisement in FTK magazine. The new ad has a patriotic theme and features Team Rider Stacie Roberts. It also features the logos of shops that carry Curly Grrlz Skateboards. If you've purchased stuff from Curly Grrlz then your familiar with FTK since we send one to you with the stuff you order. Also, shops that carry Curly Grrlz stuff also carry the skate mag.
If shops in your area don't carry Curly Grrlz Skateboards tell them to get with the program!